
Nikki Giardina

Nikki Giardina


“I love ECHO because it is truly a place of shared knowledge and experience, with a strong emphasis on culture as healing.”

Nikki Giardina, RN, BSN, BA, PHN, is a public health nurse with years of experience working in syringe exchanges. She personally discovered harm reduction over fifteen years ago as a volunteer at a storefront needle exchange and has been dedicated to this philosophy ever since. She is now the infectious disease RN care coordinator at Native American Community Clinic in Minneapolis, MN, and previously coordinated the clinic’s MAT program. She has also served as a planning committee member for White Earth Nation’s Harm Reduction Summit. She is on the board of Southside Harm Reduction Services. Originally from New York, she currently lives in Minneapolis.

Substance Use Disorder ECHO Program

Nikki is faculty for the Substance Use Disorder ECHO Program, which is designed to enhance I/T/U clinicians’ ability to provide care for patients with SUD.

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