
Past Presentation

CHR Advocacy: Self, Program, and the Profession | July 28, 2022

Date of Presentation: July 28, 2022

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Community Health Representative  

Keywords: #chr  #chw  #community health respresentative  #community health worker  #cultural communication  

In this presentation, Paige Menking, Flor Redondo, and Pamela Aguilar share what advocacy for CHRs and CHWs looks like in Tribal Communities, how to do it, and why it’s important.


Presented by:

Paige Menking, Flor Redondo & Pamela Aguilar

Paige Menking is a CHW ally who has spent over a decade working with CHWs in the southwest and nationally on trainings, research, and policy around CHW practice and scope of work. She is on the board for the National Association of CHWs and on the leadership team for the APHA CHW section. She lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico where she enjoys gardening, baking, and hiking.

Flor Redondo is a board member of the National Association of CHWs.

Pamela Aguilar is a member of the Chickasaw Nation and lives within their boundaries in Wynnewood, Oklahoma. Her background is in the field of nursing, but has worked in the Community Health Representative (CHR) arena since 1999. She has more than 18 years’ experience working with the RPMS Community Health Representative (CHR) Package. Her knowledge of the CHR Program has led to numerous consultations and participation with Indian Health Service and others. Her knowledge of the CHR Program provides a bottom-line understanding of the challenges faced by those she trains. She is dedicated to delivering exceptional training to the Community Health Representatives (CHR) Programs.

Resources Provided:

Date added: June 28, 2022