
Past Presentation

Lummi Tribal Health Center: Starting a Telemedicine Program in 96 Hours in Response to COVID-19 | Telehealth – Workflow and EHR Configuration Considerations | April 1, 2020

Date of Presentation: April 1, 2020

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Virology  

Keywords: #covid-19  #ehr  #lummi  #telehealth  #telemedicine  

In this series of presentations, Dr. Justin Iwasaki, a physician at Lummi Tribal Health Center, and Katelynn Drury, Telemedicine Manager at Lummi Tribal Health Center, share their experience of starting a new telemedicine program at the Lummi Tribal Health Center in just a 96 hour period in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Katie Johnson, EHR Integrated Care Coordinator at the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, provides a sample workflow and EHR configuration for new telehealth programs. Then, Dr. James Stallcup, Medical Director at the Wilma P. Mankiller Health Center, shares a little bit about his experience starting a new telehealth program.


Presented by:

Dr. Justin Iwasaki, Dr. Katie Johnson, Katelynn Drury, Dr. James Stallcup

Justin Iwasaki, MD, MPH, is a physician at the Lummi Tribal Health Center.

Katelynn Drury, MSW, LWAISC, is a social worker and Telemedicine Manager for Lummi Tribal Health Center.

Katie Johnson, PharmD, is the EHR Integrated Care Coordinator at the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board. Katie joined the U.S Public Health Service as a Commissioned Corps Officer and completed an ASHP Pharmacy Practice Residency at Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center. She continued to work with the IHS at Whiteriver Indian Hospital where she worked as both a pharmacist and Clinical Applications Coordinator. She then moved to the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board in 2011 to take on Health IT policy initiatives and EHR support for the 43 Tribes in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.

James Stallcup, MD, is the Medical Director at the Wilma P. Mankiller Health Center for Cherokee Nation.

Resources Provided:

Date added: April 1, 2020