
Past Presentation

Supporting Pregnant and Parenting People Experiencing SUDs | May 2, 2023

Date of Presentation: May 2, 2023

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  Community  

Program: Harm Reduction  

Keywords: #parents  #pregnancy  #pregnant  #substance use disorder  #SUD  #SUD treatment  

In this series of presentation, Dr Sherry Daker, PharmD, MHA, Treatment and Recovery Co-Lead for the IHS National Committee on Heroin, Opioids & Pain Efforts, highlights best practices for supporting pregnant and parenting people, partners, and families experiencing substance use disorders. Dr Daker shares the impacts of substance use disorder on pregnant and parenting people, infants, and families, provides an overview of key federal legislation and mandatory reporting requirements, as well as key values in and frameworks for supporting and optimizing outcomes for pregnant and parenting people, partners, and families. Then Dr Daker shares valuable resources created to support IHS/Tribal/Urban clinicians in providing SUD care to American Indian and Alaska Native pregnant and parenting people, and their infants, partners, and families.


Presented by:

Sherry Daker, PharmD, MHA

Dr. Sherry Daker, PharmD, MHA, is a LCDR with the United States Public Health Service, Acting Deputy Pharmacy Director and Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator at Red Lake Hospital Indian Health Service (IHS), as well as the Treatment and Recovery Co-Lead for the IHS National Committee on Heroin, Opioids & Pain Efforts.

Resources Provided:

Date added: May 2, 2023