

Hepatitis C: Test, Treat, Cure

Type: Video  

Audience: Clinical  Community  

Program: Hepatitis C   Infectious Disease   Ending the Epidemics in Indian Country ECHO Program  

Hepatitis C is everybody’s responsibility. With American Indian and Alaska Natives having the highest mortality rate from hepatitis C of any race or ethnicity, it is time to make a decision to get actively involved, raise awareness and care for ourselves and the ones we love. Whether that means getting tested for Hepatitis C, educating others about new treatment options, or learning about how you can protect yourself from getting the virus, it is important that Hepatitis C is a topic that’s talked about. Hepatitis C is not something that’s going to go away, unless we all get involved and eliminate the disease. It’s not just doctor’s, or people living with Hepatitis C, and it’s not just your, or your family’s-it is everybody’s responsibility to prevent, treat and cure Hepatitis C.


Date added: July 19, 2023