
Past Presentation

Hip Pain & Sono Guided Treatment | September 16, 2024

Date of Presentation: September 16, 2024

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Emergency Medicine with Rural and Indigenous Communities/IHS  

Keywords: #block  #ed  #emergency  #emric  #er  #fascia  #hip  #iliaca  #sono  #ultrasound  

In this presentation, Dr. Jon Vivolo, DO, delivers an in-depth exploration of hip pain management and treatment in the emergency setting, emphasizing the use of ultrasound-guided therapy for precise and effective interventions.


Presented by:

Dr. Jon Vivolo, DO

Emergency Physician

Fellowship – Ultrasonography, Precision Medicine

NNMC Ultrasound Director

Upper Pine, Los Pinos EMS Medical Director

Elevated Medicine Medical Director

Resources Provided:

Date added: September 6, 2024