
Virology – Third Wednesday

Event Series COVID-19 – Third Wednesday

The Month in Virology ECHO Program is designed to connect Indian Health Service, Tribal and Urban Indian (I/T/U) clinicians, administrators, and staff with up-to-date information on clinical care and emerging health topics focusing on viral infections. ECHO sessions are open to those interested in staying current on the evolving COVID-19 virus as well as Influenza,…

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EMS ECHO – 1st Tuesday and 3rd Thursday

Event Series EMS ECHO – 1st Tuesday and 3rd Thursday

Each month, ECHO offers a session with an interprofessional team of emergency medical service specialists to provide comprehensive information for EMS professionals to effectively integrate and optimize first response, basic/intermediate/and advanced life support services and treat patients locally with holistic, culturally appropriate care. The 1-hour telehealth sessions will offer clinicians an opportunity to present cases,…

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EMS ECHO – 1st Tuesday and 3rd Thursday

Event Series EMS ECHO – 1st Tuesday and 3rd Thursday

Each month, ECHO offers a session with an interprofessional team of emergency medical service specialists to provide comprehensive information for EMS professionals to effectively integrate and optimize first response, basic/intermediate/and advanced life support services and treat patients locally with holistic, culturally appropriate care. The 1-hour telehealth sessions will offer clinicians an opportunity to present cases,…

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Substance Use Disorder


Each month, ECHO offers an ECHO session with an interprofessional team of specialists including physicians, behavioral health specialists and Peer Mentors focusing on the management and treatment of patients with Substance Use Disorders. The 1 hour long clinics include an opportunity to present cases, receive recommendations from specialists, engage in a didactic session and become…

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Dementia Caregiver Support ECHO

Event Series Dementia Caregiver Support ECHO

The Dementia Caregiver Support ECHO provides mentorship to and support for Indian Health staff (IHS, Tribal, and Urban) to provide effective help and coaching to caregivers of American Indian and Alaska Native people living with dementia. The program will offer a free ECHO collaborative to continue learning, knowledge sharing and support during virtual ECHO clinics…

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Virtual Care Implementation (New Schedule)

Event Series Virtual Care Implementation (Mondays)

The Virtual Care Implementation ECHO is designed to support I/T/U clinicians and administrators in implementing and overcoming common challenges associated with virtual care programs, such as apps that support healthy behaviors, telemedicine, and remote patient monitoring. Sessions are open to all. If you have a question, concern or your program is facing an issue that…

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