
Dolores Ann Jimerson

Dolores Ann Jimerson


Dolores Jimerson, MSW, LCSW, ADS is originally from the east coast, where she grew up as an urban Indian. She was reared traditionally Seneca (bear clan) in Little Italy, which also resonated with her Italian/Irish mother. She now lives on the Olympic Peninsula, where it seems “it’s always Twilight.” Dolores is excited to lead NPAIHB in the development of culturally resonant behavioral health programming to support tribes in meeting their needs. Her lived experience pairs nicely with her three plus decade career of working in behavioral health in Pennsylvania, Wyoming, Oregon, and Washington. Some of her past tribal employment was with the Eastern Shoshone, Northern Arapaho, CTUIR, and Quileute. Her previous national level work included serving as Director of Community Development for NICWA. She is a caregiver and community organizer at heart, who is passionate about creating services that resonate with re-membering us into our greatness. She is clinically licensed in both Wyoming and Oregon, along with being a certified Acudetox Specialist (ear acupuncture) and Registered Trainer. You can find her gardening, beach combing, traveling, writing, or serving as comedic muse when she is not working.

NW Elders, Knowledge Holders and Culture Keepers ECHO Program

Dolores is faculty for the NW Elders, Knowledge Holders and Culture Keepers ECHO Program, which is designed to provide comprehensive information for behavioral health specialists to effectively integrate services and promote healing so that our communities thrive. 

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