
Dr. Whitney Barrett

Dr. Whitney Barrett


“Excellent care is not just about the provider’s skills, but also about the way they are able to think about patient care, act as both advocates for and partners with their patients, as well as provide hope and reassurance in a time of need.”

Whitney Barrett, MD, is an Emergency Physician at the University of New Mexico. She is also part of the UNM EMS consortium which provides medical direction, education and advocacy for many metro, rural and Tribal agencies in New Mexico. Whitney’s current EMS roles include medical direction for Valencia County and Kirtland Airforce Base as well as medical director for accredited courses at the UNM EMS academy. She is originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico and attained her medical degree from UNM. Whitney completed her residency in Emergency Medicine at Denver Health in Denver, CO. During residency, she had the opportunity to learn about EMS and decided to pursue a fellowship in EMS also at Denver Health. Subsequently, she worked in the emergency department, as an associate medical director for the Denver Health paramedic division, and as the Medical Director for the paramedic school.

Emergency Medical Services ECHO Program

Whitney is faculty for the EMS ECHO Program, which is designed to effectively integrate and optimize first response, basic/intermediate/and advanced life support services and treat patients locally with holistic, culturally appropriate care.

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