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Lummi Teledental Workflow (Indian Country ECHO)

Type: Download  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Virology  Virtual Care Implementation  

Example of a teledental workflow model, provided by Lummi Tribal Health Center.

Date added: 07/24/21

RPMS EHR Note Templates for documenting Virtual Check-in and Telemedicine Encounters (NPAIHB)

Type: Download  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Virology  Virtual Care Implementation  

Template for staff at I/T/U locations for documenting virtual check-in and telemedicine encounters.

Date added: 07/24/21

Documentation, Coding, and Billing Guidance for Coronavirus (RPMS) Configuration and Data Capture Guide (IHS)

Type: Download  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Virology  Virtual Care Implementation  

A guide for staff at I/T/U locations for documenting, coding, and billing in RPMS for coronavirus.

Date added: 07/24/21


Type: Download  

Audience: Clinical  


Date added: 07/24/21

Reopening Risk Analysis Tool (xlsx) (NPAIHB)

Type: Download  

Audience: Clinical  

A tool created by the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board to determine your level of risk for reopening;

Date added: 07/24/21

Public Health Principles and Gating Criteria for Reopening Tribal Economies – Considerations for Clinical and Epidemiological Risk Assessments (NPAIHB)

Type: Download  

Audience: Clinical  

Short description of criteria to consider when planning to reopen tribal economies. 

Date added: 07/24/21

COVID-19 Response: Testing and Treatment for the Uninsured (Indian Country ECHO)

Type: Download  

Audience: Clinical  

Learn about reimbursement opportunities for healthcare providers offering testing and treatment to uninsured patients.

Date added: 07/24/21

Mental Health Wellness Tips for Quarantine (Indian Country ECHO)

Type: Download  

Audience: Clinical  Community  

Program: Virology  

Learn strategies for maintaining mental wellness during quarantine.

Date added: 07/24/21

Applying Current Public Health Orders to Community Events (AMC)

Type: Download  

Audience: Clinical  

Guidance to consider for ensuring the safety of attendees at tribal community gatherings, such as Pow wows, during the coronavirus pandemic.

Date added: 07/24/21

Management of Employee Health Travel

Type: Download  

Audience: Clinical  

Date added: 07/24/21