
Past Presentation

An Organized Approach to Life Threatening Pulmonary Embolism | July 12 2023

Date of Presentation: July 12, 2023

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  Community  

Program: IHS Trauma Rounds  

Keywords: #Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis (CDT)  #ECMO  #Inari FlowTriever Thrombectomy Catheter  #PE toolkit  #Pulmonary Embolism  

Pulmonany Embolism (PE) accounts for approximately 100,000 deaths annually in the USA, consistently ranking in the top 5 causes of sudden death. In this presentation Dr. Sundeep Guliani discusses the epidemiology and pathophysiology of PE, classifications and risk stratifications, the PE toolkit, ECMO, CatheterDirected Thrombolysis (CDT), Inari FlowTriever Thrombectomy Catheter, and the evolution of PE program at UNM.


Presented by:

Dr. Sundeep Guliani, MD

Dr. Sundeep Guilian is the UNM H.E.L.P. N.M Team CoDirector, Associate Professor Division of Vascular Surgery, Critical Care, and Acute Care Surgery
CoDirector of Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit, and Director of ECMO Surgery

Resources Provided:

Date added: July 12, 2023