
Past Presentation

BOP Pharmacy Residential MAT Training Program | September 19, 2023

Date of Presentation: September 19, 2023

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Advancing Pharmacist Roles in Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Teams  

Keywords: #bop  #mat  #MOUD  #pharmacy  #program  #training  

In this presentation, CDR Anna Santoro and LCDR Trey Draude provide an in-depth overview of the Pharmacy Residential Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Training Program within the Bureau of Prison (BOP). They review the background information and challenges with MAT within the BOP, describe the format of the training program, and analyze the outcomes and areas of future improvement.


Presented by:

CDR Anna Santoro, PharmD, MA, BCPP, BCGP, NCPS | LCDR Trey Draude, PharmD, AAHIVP

CDR Anna Santoro, PharmD, MA, BCPP, BCGP, NCPS, is an officer in the US Public Health Service, assigned to the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). In the BOP, Anna is a Clinical Psychiatric Specialist at Federal Medical Center Devens in Ayer, MA and serves as a Regional Psychiatric Consultant. She developed the BOP’s first Psychiatric Pharmacy Program and assisted with the national expansion of pharmacy mental health services, including the Mental Health Consultant program, serving 122 institutions. Additionally, she is the lead consultant for pain management and for the Memory Disorder Unit at Devens, the BOP’s only dedicated unit for inmates with dementia. Anna also treats those with substance use disorder as part of a multidisciplinary team.

LCDR Trey Draude, PharmD, AAHIVP, is the Lead Substance Use Disorder Clinical Pharmacist Consultant for the BOP.

Resources Provided:

Date added: September 7, 2023