
Past Presentation

Clinical Overview of Congenital Syphilis | March 16, 2023

Date of Presentation: March 16, 2023

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  Community  

Keywords: #congenital syphilis  #pregnancy  #syphilis  

In this series of presentations, Dr. Leslie Stewart, infectious diseases physician for Chinle Hospital (Navajo Nation), provides a clinical infectious disease update on vaccines, including hepatitis B, pneumococcal, and Mpox. Then, Dr. James McAuley highlights best practices for responding to the rise of congenital syphilis rates in Indigenous communities. Dr. McAuley provides an overview of syphilis, current screening recommendations, the changing epidemiology of syphilis as well as syphilis in pregnancy with a special focus on the newest data available. He then reviews the treatment and management of syphilis in pregnancy, staging and interpretation of labs for appropriate treatment, prevention methods, clinical pearls as part of case discussions, and public health considerations for syphilis outbreak responses.



Presented by:

Leslie Stewart, MD | James McAuley, MD

Dr Leslie Stewart, MD, is an infectious diseases physician who has worked in Chinle, Arizona since 2018. She has a special interest in pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV (PrEP) and HIV care. She completed her internal medicine and infectious diseases training at the University of Pennsylvania where she is an adjunct assistant professor. Leslie is board certified in infectious diseases and internal medicine.

Dr. James McAuley, MD, MPH, FIDS is the Clinical Director at the Whiteriver Service Unit, IHS.

Resources Provided:

Date added: March 16, 2023