
Past Presentation

Cultural Assessments Tools and Tribal Specific Ways | July 27 2023

Date of Presentation: July 27, 2023

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  Community  

Program: Dementia Caregiver Support ECHO  

Keywords: #biomedical  #caregiver  #cognitive impairment  #cultural  #naturalistic  #personalistic  

In this presentation and discussion, Dr. Neil Henderson (Oklahoma Choctaw), PhD, Indian Country ECHO lead faculty member and Professor Emeritus of Medical Anthropology at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth campus, discusses cultural assessment tools. He shares ways to elicit Stories of Caregiving, ways to find categories in Stories of Caregiving to make sense of what you’re told, and ways to use your findings.


Indian Country Dementia Caregiver ECHO

Presented by:

Neil Henderson, PhD

Neil Henderson, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Medical Anthropology at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth campus, and former Executive Director of the Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team. He is Oklahoma Choctaw.

Neil’s research areas focus on aging issues of American Indian people. Specifically, his work is on biological and cultural influences regarding recognition and treatment of dementia and diabetes, dementia caregiving, cultural constructions of disease, and community health interventions and education in the context of cultural diversity. Dr. Henderson was honored by the award of the Leadership in Prevention for Native Americans by the Loma Linda University School of Public Health and the Award of Achievement by the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, College of Public Health, as well as being named a Presidential Professor by the University of Oklahoma,
College of Public Health.

Neil is the former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology and past-President of the Association for Anthropology and Gerontology. He has authored many articles in the scientific press and is a contributor to the Alzheimer’s Association and CDC’s new Healthy Brain Initiative’s Road Map for Indian Country (2019), principal author of The Savvy Caregiver for Indian Country (2013), co-author of the text, Social and Behavioral Foundations of Public Health (2001) and is senior editor of The Culture of Long-Term Care (1995).

Resources Provided:

Date added: July 28, 2023