
Past Presentation

Cultural Wellness | April 21, 2022

Date of Presentation: April 21, 2022

Type: Past Presentation  

Program: Community Health Representative  

Keywords: #cultural wellness  #culture  #wellness  

In this presentation, Brian Laban (Hopi/Tewa) will share his wellness approach working at the community level. The one-hour session includes opportunities to engage in a discussion on the qualities and behaviors associated with cultural wellness.


Presented by:

Brian Laban

Brian Laban (Hopi, Tewa) is an engaging motivational presenter who has moved Native audiences, youth through elder, to improve their lives via healthy living. His unique background is made up of vast experiences including growing up with a traditional lifestyle on the Hopi reservation, studying martial arts in Asia, training Native American fitness instructors and working in the area of suicide prevention. He is recipient of the National Impact Award given by the National Indian Health Board and also the Community Leadership Award given by the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition. Brian received these awards for his work in Native American communities as he has been a “champion for improving Indian health”. He served as the Arizona State Tae Kwon Do coach for the North American Indigenous Games with his athletes taking home gold medals. Brian received formal education at Westminster College, Northern Arizona University, and Yong In University – South Korea. He has been certified as a personal trainer by the Cooper Institute.

Brian enjoys inspiring people and says, “My first realization of the impact I was making came from an elderly woman who thanked me for giving her life back. After that I began to look at what I was doing from a different perspective.”

Resources Provided:

Date added: April 21, 2022