
Past Presentation

Harm Reduction Works | November 2, 2021

Date of Presentation: November 2, 2021

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  Community  

Program: Harm Reduction  

Keywords: #harm reduction  #Recovery  

In this presentation, Jess Tilley shares the Harm Reduction Works history and reviews the Harm Reduction Works Host Script (HRH413).


Presented by:

Jessica Tilley

Jess has well over 20 years experience as a harm reduction practitioner, advocate, and organizer and is the Executive Director of NEUU (The New England Users Union). Respected by the harm reduction community world wide, she is in high demand as a trainer and consultant. She moved to Western MA in 2012 after leaving her position as Overdose Prevention Coordinator/Site Manager of the Cambridge Needle Exchange at AIDS Action Coalition. Despite the existence of fixed syringe access programs in Western MA, she is keenly aware of underserved and unserved populations of drug users specifically marginally housed and homeless youth, sex workers and Latino and African American communities, many of whom are distrustful of institutionalized health care.

She is passionate about harm reduction and focused on growing the movement and raising the voices of marginalized people.

Resources Provided:

Date added: November 2, 2021