
Past Presentation

Hepatitis B Vaccinations: Update on Recommendations | March 23, 2022

Date of Presentation: March 23, 2022

Type: Past Presentation  

Program: Grand Rounds  

Keywords: #grand rounds  #hepatitis  #hepatitis b  #infectious disease  #vaccination  

We welcome you to join Indian Country ECHO for Grand Rounds focused on Hepatitis B Vaccinations. Despite major reductions in hepatitis B achieved through evolving hepatitis B vaccine policy over the past four decades, progress has stalled in reducing hepatitis B cases. There are 20,700 estimated acute HBV infections each year, with 1.89 million persons living with chronic HBV (modeled estimate; range, 1.49–2.40 million) in the United States.  Hepatitis B vaccines have well-established safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy. In Spring 2022, CDC updated the adult Hep B vaccination recommendations.  This session will review the new recommendations, clinical evidence, and best practices. This one-hour Grand Rounds session includes an opportunity to engage in a didactic presentation, gain insight on how an I/T/U facility addresses HBV vaccination ordering and workflow considerations, become part of a learning community, and join an Infectious Disease ECHO program.


Presented by:

Mark Weng | Holly Van Lew

Dr. Mark Weng, MD, MSc, is a Medical Epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Prevention Branch, Division of Viral Hepatitis, and is a LCDR with the U.S. Public Health Service

CAPT Holly Van Lew is clinical pharmacist with the Indian Health Service. She was the immunization coordinator at her medical center for 10 years, where she managed procurement, storage, and distribution of adult and childhood vaccines. She is a national trainer for multiple Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technician Immunization Certificate Programs, having trained over 1,500 pharmacists, students, and technicians to administer vaccines. Holly works at the local, regional, and national level to educate pharmacists, providers, and nurses about immunizations with a focus on addressing patient vaccine needs at every encounter. She is currently the IHS COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force Deputy Lead, administering the distribution and tracking of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Resources Provided:

Date added: March 15, 2022