
Past Presentation

Journey to Health ECHO | May 23, 2024

Date of Presentation: May 23, 2024

In this presentation, Aurora Martinez, MHA (Samish Indian Nation), discusses the Tribal Boarding School Toolkit for Healing.


Presented by:

Aurora Martinez, BHA

Nów7 si7ám. Sqwemey7ileshewó:t se ne-sná7 . Che XwS7amesh-sen. (Hello, My traditional name is Sqwemey7ileshewó:t, and my English name is Aurora Martinez. I come from Samish Indian Nation). Aurora is the Project Coordinator for THRIVE (Tribal Health: Reaching out InVolves Everyone) project at the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB) and works closely with We R Native and Tribal Opioid Response (TOR). Aurora provides suicide prevention technical assistance, programming, and training to NW tribes. Aurora is also a certified trainer of well-known suicide prevention: Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR).

Resources Provided:

Date added: May 23, 2024