
Past Presentation

Klamath Healing ECHO | February 23rd, 2023

Date of Presentation: February 23, 2023

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  Community  

Program: Klamath Healing  

Keywords: #healthcare  #healthcare history  #history  #history of healthcare  #Klamath  #Klamath Tribes  #Modoc  #Pauite  #Yahooskin  #Yahooskin-Pauite  

In this presentation, Amanda Page discusses the History of Healthcare for the Klamath, the Modoc and the Yahooskin-Paiute People.


Presented by:

Amanda Page

Amanda Page is an enrolled member of the Klamath Tribes. She was raised on the land that her ancestors have inhabited since time immemorial. She currently works in Central Oregon as a critical care flight paramedic. Through this lens, she has personally seen the disparities in healthcare given Indigenous people and is passionate about educating others on the topic. As Page says, “Learning this history is the first step in understanding how generational trauma has caused such a huge disparity in the health of Indigenous people in the US.”

Resources Provided:

Date added: February 23, 2023