
Past Presentation

Moral Injury, Resilience, and Post-Traumatic Growth Amidst the COVID Response | November 4, 2021

Date of Presentation: November 4, 2021

Type: Past Presentation  

Program: Virology   IHS Trauma Rounds  

Keywords: #covid  #moral injury  #resilience  #stress  #trauma-informed care  

In this presentation, Dr. Nomi Levy-Carrick, describes the difference between burnout and moral injury, provides examples of long-term consequences of toxic stress, and shares how Trauma-Informed Care and Psychological First Aid can support resilience.


Presented by:

Dr. Nomi Levy-Carrick

Nomi Levy-Carrick, MD, MPhil, is the Associate Vice Chair of Ambulatory Services in the Department of Psychiatry at Brigham Health as well as the Co-Chair of the MGB Trauma-Informed Care Initiative and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School

Resources Provided:

Date added: November 3, 2021