
Past Presentation

Pediatric Diabetes: Diagnosis and Management Approaches | June 14, 2018

Date of Presentation: June 14, 2018

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Diabetes  

Keywords: #diabetes diagnosis  #diabetes management  #pediatric diabetes  

Dr. Nicolas Cuttriss, Director of Project ECHO Diabetes at Stanford University, discusses how to recognize symptoms and diagnose diabetes in youth, how to understand the role and indications for use of insulin in type 2 diabetes, as well as the role of insulin management in type 1 diabetes. Finally, Dr. Cuttriss offers an approach for managing diabetes in youth as a chronic complex condition.


Presented by:

Dr. Nicolas Cuttriss

Nicolas Cuttriss, MD, MPH, is the Director of Project ECHO Diabetes at Stanford University. Prior to joining Stanford, Dr. Cuttriss served as the first pediatric endocrinologist for the University of New Mexico Project ECHO Institute ENDO TeleECHO to democratize specialty knowledge and expand patients’ access to critical care and services in rural and underserved communities. Dr. Cuttriss co-founded and serves as chairman of the Board of AYUDA, a global health volunteer organization that empowers youth to serve as agents of change for youth with diabetes.

Resources Provided:

Date added: June 14, 2018