
Past Presentation

Understanding the Bi-directional Relationship Between Periodontal Disease and Diabetes | May 9, 2024

Date of Presentation: May 9, 2024

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Diabetes  

Keywords: #diabetes  #gum  #periodontal  

In this presentation, CAPT Eric Jewell DDS, MDS, National Indian Health Service (IHS) Periodontal Consultant describes periodontal (gum) disease, examines the bi-directional relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes and identifies the pathways that relate periodontal disease to diabetes.


Presented by:

Eric Jewell DDS, MDS
CAPT, US Public Health Service

CAPT Eric Jewell DDS, MDS, is the National IHS Periodontal Consultant with the IHS Division of Oral Health and currently serves at Tohono O’odham Nation Health Care.

Resources Provided:

Date added: April 26, 2024