
Past Presentation

Policy and Legislation Updates and Impacts Discussion | September 5 2023

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  Community  

Program: Harm Reduction  

Keywords: #Harm Reduction policy  #Oregon Measure 110  

In this presentation and discussion, Haven Wheelock shares on the Oregon State Senate Bill 1043, updates to Measure 110, and the concepts included in House Bill 2395.

Presented by:

Haven Wheelock, MPH

Haven Wheelock, MPH, Harm Reductionist, has been advocating for the health and safety of people who use drugs since 2002. Currently she is the Drug Users Health Services Program Coordinator at Outside In in Portland Oregon. She provides in direct service with people who use drugs and has also been involved in creating policy that improves the health in Oregon. She completed a MPH as a Fellow at Johns Hopkins as part of the Bloomberg American Health Initiative focusing on Overdose and Addiction Policy. She was also a Chief Petitioner for ballot measure 110, which was a first in the nation initiative to decriminalize drugs in the state of Oregon.

Resources Provided:

Date added: September 5, 2023