
Past Presentation

COVID-19 Epi Updates | CDC, FDA Research & Resources | Returning to Work Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic | June 15, 2020

Date of Presentation: June 15, 2020

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Virology  

Keywords: #covid clinical updates  #covid resource drop  #return to work  

In this series of presentations, Dr. Alexander Wu, an Epidemic Intelligence Officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides a number of valuable COVID-19 related resources produced by the FDA and CDC. Dr. Wu also provides an overview of some recent updates in COVID-19 research. Finally, Holly Thompson Duffy, Public Health Consultant for the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, shares recommendations on how to safely return to work amid the pandemic.


Presented by:

Dr. Alexander Wu, Holly Thompson Duffy

Alexander Wu, ScD, MPH, is an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Holly Thompson Duffy, MPH, joined the Northwest Tribal EpiCenter as an Environmental Health Consultant and is currently working on COVID-19 response issues.  She has worked in environmental health for many years, most recently as an Environmental Protection Specialist with the Portland Area IHS where she managed two interagency agreement projects funded by the EPA. She is working with the Environmental Public Health Team as a Public Health Consultant for the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board.

Resources Provided:

Date added: June 15, 2020