
Past Presentation

didgʷálic Wellness Center: Building a Culture of Respect | COVID-19 Updates | April 8, 2020

Date of Presentation: April 8, 2020

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Virology  

Keywords: #barriers to care  #behavioral health  #didgwalic  #harm reduction  

didgʷálic (deed-gwah-leech) Wellness Center is a multi-specialty community health organization that provides counseling, medication, primary care, and social services to both Native and non-Native patients with substance use and behavioral health disorders. John Stephens, CEO of didgʷálic, and Dawn Lee, COO of didgʷálic, share the story and mission of didgʷálic Wellness Center, and speak on the importance of removing barriers to care, as well as the impact COVID-19 has had on their services. Afterwards, Dr. Jorge Mera, Director of Infectious Diseases for Cherokee Nation Health Service, shares some of the latest studies on COVID-19.


Presented by:

John Stephens, Dawn Lee, Dr. Jorge Mera

John Stephens is the Chief Executive Officer of the didgʷálic Wellness Center.

Dawn Lee is the Chief Operating Officer of the didgʷálic Wellness Center.

Jorge Mera, MD, FACP, is the Director of Infectious Diseases for Cherokee Nation Health Service, the largest tribally operated health care system in the United States. He oversees surveillance, policies, and programs to treat and prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and HCV.

Resources Provided:

Date added: April 8, 2020