
Past Presentation

Hepatitis C | April 8, 2021

Date of Presentation: April 8, 2021

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Community Health Representative  

Keywords: #hcv  #hcv testing  #hcv treatment  #hepatitis c  

Like HIV, hepatitis C often has no symptoms until it appears as late stage liver cancer. New testing and treatments are greatly reducing deaths from this disease that affects millions of Americans.  Find out how new treatments are simple, highly effective, and accessible for our patients at the primary care level, with no need to be referred to specialists anymore.




Presented by:

Dr. Janet Cifuentes

Janet Cifuentes, PharmD, BCPS, AAHIVP, graduated from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy in 2011 and has been working with the Indian Health Service since. After completing a PGY1 residency at Cherokee Indian Hospital in North Carolina, Janet transferred to Sells Indian Hospital near Tucson, Arizona where she worked as a clinical pharmacist in the inpatient and outpatient settings. In 2014, she transferred to Phoenix Indian Medical Center (PIMC), where she continued to work as a clinical pharmacist and manager of the busy anticoagulation service. In December 2016, Janet became the first pharmacist designated specifically to hepatitis C and PrEP within the Hepatitis and HIV Center of Excellence at PIMC, where her primary focus is the development and continued improvement of their hepatitis C and PrEP programs, while also providing care to patients who are living with HIV.

Resources Provided:

Date added: April 8, 2021