
Past Presentation

Providing PrEP and PEP Services at your Clinic | September 11, 2024

Date of Presentation: September 11, 2024

Type: Past Presentation  Training  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Ending the Epidemics in Indian Country ECHO Program  

Keywords: #hiv  #pep  #pre-exposure prophylaxis  #prep  

In this presentation, Andrew Yu, MS, BSN, RN, ACRN, and Leah Besh, PA-C, discuss providing PrEP and PEP services at your clinic.


Presented by:

Andrew Yu, BSN, RN, ACRN

Andrew Yu, BSN, RN, ACRN, is the National HIV/HCV/STI Clinical Coordinator for the Indian Health Service Division of Clinical and Community Services. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Georgetown University and his Master of Science in Community and Public Health Nursing from Hunter College – CUNY. He is also certified as an AIDS care registered nurse and an active member of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care.

Leah Besh, PA-C

Leah Besh, PA-C, is a physician assistant who has been treating hepatitis patients since 2016. She graduated from University of Utah’s Physician Assistant Program but knew Alaska was always her home. She started her career working at Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center (ANHC) where she participated in University of Washington and Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium’s (ANTHC) ECHO programs for HCV and was able to expand ANHC’s HCV treatment program through improved access, patient coordination, and provider mentorship. She joined ANTHC; jointly work with the hepatitis and HIV departments in January of 2019. She enjoys spending time with patients to empower higher quality of life, harm reduction and disease elimination! In her free time she can be found playing in the mountains or on the trails around Alaska on foot, skis or bike.

Resources Provided:

Date added: August 27, 2024