
Past Presentation

Providing Substance Use Disorder Services in Primary Care | September 10, 2024

Date of Presentation: September 10, 2024

In this series of presentations, Dr. Jonathan Robbins, MD, MS, provides a comprehensive overview of Substance Use Disorders, including Medications for Opioid Use Disorder, Methamphetamine Use Disorder, the rise of fentanyl, and share ways to effectively integrate evidence-based clinical strategies into primary care.


Presented by:

Dr. Jonathan Leserman Robbins
Dr. Jonathan Leserman Robbins

Jonathan Leserman Robbins, MD, MS, is a general internist and primary care doctor at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, OR. He splits his time between outpatient primary care, the inpatient addiction consult service, and a pain and addiction consult clinic. He is an active educator and participates in several ECHOs on pain and addiction.

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Date added: August 27, 2024