
Past Presentation

SARS-COV-2 Transmission in Educational Settings | Public Health and CDC/FDA Updates | September 15, 2021

Date of Presentation: September 15, 2021

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Virology  

Keywords: #covid transmission in education settings  #covid updates  

In this series of presentations, Dr. Thomas Becker, Medical Epidemiologist and ECHO faculty member, reviews the latest articles on SARS-COV-2 transmission in educational settings. Then, Dr. Eitan Bornstein, MD, ECHO faculty member and Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides a public health practice update and a number of valuable COVID-19 related resources produced by the CDC and FDA.


Presented by:

Dr. Tom Becker, Dr. Eitan Bornstein

Thomas Becker, MD, PhD, has spent his entire career as an epidemiologist focused on Indian health issues. He trained in internal medicine, epidemiology, and anthropology and currently serves as a medical epidemiologist at the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board. Although Tom has a variety of research interests, the common theme in his work centers around minority health disparities. He has done extensive community-based projects in partnership with NPAIHB and its 43 member tribes. Tom is passionate about mentoring trainees, primarily MPH students and American Indians who sought research training.


Resources Provided:

Date added: September 16, 2021