
Past Presentation

Starting an Effective PHN/PCMH Model to End the Syphilis Epidemic | March 23, 2023

Date of Presentation: March 23, 2023

Type: Past Presentation  Training  

Audience: Clinical  

Keywords: #patient centered medical home  #public health nursing  #syphilis  

In this series of presentations Dawn Benth, RN, Casey Marlin, PharmD, and Kelsey Kroon, PharmD share the story of their facility’s program to end the syphilis epidemic using a public health nursing and patient-centered medical home model.


Presented by:

CDR Dawn Benth, PHN | LCDR Casey Marlin, PharmD | LT Kelsey Kroon, PharmD

LCDR Casey Marlin, PharmD, MS, BCGP, Dawn A. Benth, RN, BSN, MBA, CDR, USPHS, and LT Kelsey Kroon, PharmD helped developed and run Crow/ Northern Cheyenne Hospital’s Ending the Epidemics program.

Resources Provided:

Date added: March 16, 2023