
Past Presentation

Syphilis in the ED: Why it Matters and What to Know | March 3, 2022

Date of Presentation: March 3, 2022

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Keywords: #covid-19  #emergency  #std presentation  #syphilis  

We welcome you to join Indian Country ECHO for a special session focused on responding to the rise of syphilis rates in Indigenous communities. This session will cover syphilis’ reemergence and changing epidemiology, why Emergency Departments (EDs) are crucial players in syphilis prevention efforts, characteristics and clinical staging of syphilis, and key features of ED diagnosis, management, and disposition for patients with syphilis. The one-hour session includes an opportunity to engage in a didactic presentation led by Dr. Erin Tromble, MD & Dr. Eitan Bornstein, MD, participate in a discussion and become part of a learning community to share best practices and reduce the toll of syphilis in Indian Country. CME, CNE and CPE will be available.


Presented by:

Dr. Erin Tromble | Dr. Eitan Bornstein

Erin Tromble, MD, Medical Officer, Division of STD Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Ethan “Eitan” Bornstein, MD, grew up in the Washington, D.C. area and studied medicine at Emory University. He completed his internal medicine residency at the University of Colorado in Denver, where he met his wife. From there, Ethan relocated to Chinle, Arizona, where he and his wife worked for the Navajo Nation Indian Health Service. He now works for the CDC Epidemic Intelligence Service.

Resources Provided:

Date added: February 22, 2022