
Past Presentation

Telehealth Law and Policy | March 15, 2022

Type: Past Presentation  

Program: Virtual Care Implementation  

Diana Bob, JD, is an attorney with a focus on Indian law. In this presentation, she provides policy and regulation updates around virtual care, including policies specific to IHS and tribal health, billing considerations, and updates around public health emergency regulations.


Presented by:

Diana Bob

Diana Bob, JD, is an attorney focused on Indian Law. She works on matters relating to natural resources, water rights, land use, tax, self-determination contracts and other intergovernmental matters. Frequently she works with client’s problems and facts to find creative and first in the Nation approaches to legal solutions rooted in Indian Law, tribal sovereignty, and the federal trust responsibility. Most recently Diana was involved in the successful launch of a medical special clinic in the Greater Seattle Area. Diana is an enrolled member of the Lummi Nation.

Resources Provided:

Date added: March 17, 2022