
Past Presentation

Timing and Cognitive Screens: What is the Value of Early Detection? | May 11 2023

Date of Presentation: May 11, 2023

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Clinical Dementia  

Keywords: #cognitive impairment  #cognitive screening  #dementia  

Dementia, of all kinds, occurs in all communities and is a chronic disease. With the proper tools and education, it can be diagnosed and managed, for the most part, in primary care. In this presentation, Dr. Blythe Winchester discusses risk factors, annual wellness exam, cognitive assessment and care plan services including how to how to get started, who can do the assessment, where it can be done, codes, resources, and what’s included.


Presented by:

Blythe Winchester MD, MPH, CMD, AGSF

Blythe Winchester, MD, MPH, CMD, AGSF, is a board-certified Geriatrician and member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in Cherokee, NC. She practices at Cherokee Indian Hospital and is the Certified Medical Director at Tsali Care Center. She received her MD and MPH at UNC-Chapel Hill and did a Family Medicine Residency in Greenville, SC. Her Geriatrics fellowship was completed through the Mountain Area Health Education Center in Asheville, NC. Blythe has served on the Ethnogeriatrics Committee for the American Geriatrics Society since 2011. She recently received Fellow status through the American Geriatrics Society. Her presentations often focus on neurocognitive disorders among Tribal communities and her research focuses on Tribal Elders.

Resources Provided:

Date added: May 11, 2023