
Past Presentation

Virtual Care Medical Home: Best Practices for Remote Clinical Teams | November 16, 2021

Date of Presentation: November 16, 2021

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Virtual Care Implementation  

Keywords: #best practices  #care  #home  #medical  #remote  #telehealth  #virtual  

In this presentation, Dr. Jessica Whitfield defines virtual care/telehealth, describes benefits of telehealth generally and in I/T/U communities, names benefits and challenges associated with building and sustaining effective remote teams in medical care, and identifies approaches to mitigating challenges in remote teams.


Presented by:

Jessica Whitfield, MD, MPH

Dr. Whitfield is the Project Coordinator and Behavioral Health Integration Specialist for Tribal Health Connections.

Resources Provided:

Date added: November 16, 2021