
Past Presentation

Virtual Psychological Assessment | January 18, 2022

Type: Past Presentation  

Program: Virtual Care Implementation  

Megan Ballew, PhD, Behavioral Health Specialist, shares best practices for conducting a psychological assessment, when it is appropriate to conduct virtually, and how COVID-19 has changed clinicians approaches to this.


Presented by:

Megan Ballew, PhD, Behavioral Health Specialist

Megan Ballew is a member of Cherokee Nation. She received her PhD in clinical psychology from Oklahoma State University. Megan previously served as a behavioral health clinician and administrator at Tulsa’s urban Indian clinic and for the University of Tulsa’s free community based behavioral health clinic. She has worked for Lummi Nation for the past four years as a clinical psychologist and administrator overseeing several mental health and substance use disorder programs and grants.

Megan is faculty for the Virtual Care Implementation Program, which is designed to support I/T/U clinicians and administrators in implementing and overcoming common challenges associated with virtual care programs.

Resources Provided:

Date added: January 28, 2022